Monday, May 5, 2008

More Cute Sayings..

"Hudson did you know you have a talk in primary... at church tomorrow?"
"Is Jesus going to be there?" His eyes opened wide...with excitement.
"No, Jesus is not going to be at church, but we can feel of his spirit." Trying to sound uplifting, although, I couldn't help but feel sad for him.
"Awwww." He was bummed.

Just to recap your talk....Hudson you gave a great talk last Sunday on the prophet, Thomas S. Monson. You talked about how you can be more like the prophet by reading the scriptures, saying your prayers daily and at meals, going to church, keeping the sabboth day holy and by being honest. You also talked about the prophet's teachings. And told us that he teaches us at conference and through church magazines like the Ensign and The Friend. If we follow the prophet and make good choices our lives will be blessed.

You did great and spoke very clearly. At 3 1/2 you are a natural and are not shy at all.

More cute sayings...
"I ate all my pizza so I can grow up!"

"Be careful because I am a 3 1/2 year old guy!" As he's jumping on the tramp.

Yesterday afternoon Hudson said his throat hurt, so I gave him some zycam to prevent getting a cold. I gave it to him at 3:30 pm and told him if his throat still hurt at 6:30 pm I would give him another dose.
At 7:30 pm I asked Hudson, "how are you feeling?" since I hadn't heard any complaining.
"Good; what time is it?" Looking at the clock..
"Does that mean that I'm all better?"
"Yes, it does." As I am trying not to laugh...
So far today he is feeling great!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hudson Slide Show (Newborn- 6 months)

Out of the Mouth of Hudson

"Mama do you know that I'm very big?"
"Yes you are!"
"I have big muscles, very big, and I'm 3!" As he is flexing...
Who Knew?

Hudson hurt his big toe last week as he walked up the sidewalk with Daddy to get the mail. It was quite the event, with added drama of limping and letting everyone know that he had a hurt toe. Anyway... that is another story in and of itself. The day after the accident he came into our room in the morning to wake me up and snuggle as he does everyday. He looked at me and said, "A little angel is making my toe feel better."

Hudson has been counting everything lately and is trying to gain the concept of time. Hudson asked if he could play a little longer with his toys before lunch, I said ok a little while longer. He started counting using his fingers saying, "1 while, 2 while, 3 while, 4 while, 5 while and then I will be ready for lunch."

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Dear Hudson

I wanted to start a blog for you to let you know of the love that I have for you. I love you beyond measure, beyond all of the moon and the stars in the sky. "I love you this big!!" We always say that to each other as we hold our arms out wide. I know that I am supposed to be your mother, and I feel so privileged to care for you each day.

This will allow us to capture the many wonderful days we spend together. I want you to know how special you are. You are a precious gift sent from above. I love spending time with you, watching you grow, learn and mature into a young boy.

I want you to know that you are loved by so many including your daddy and me, Gracie adores and looks up to you, Mia, Baca, Emmy, Grandpa Burnett, Grandma Burnett, Grandma Pearson, Great Grandma Burnett, Nana, Opi, and all of your many aunts, uncles and cousins!! I also want you to know that your Heavenly Father loves you. I hope that we can all teach you to make good choices and guide you along the path of life. I will try each day to be a good example to you. We all want you to continue to be happy and to enjoy each day to the fullest! You are a good big brother and I hope you continue to be a good example to your little sister.

My hope is that you treasure this as a keepsake and hold it dear and near to your heart, forever.
